For Busy Men & Women Who Want to Optimize Their Health
Free Masterclass:
LIVE with Dr. Nashat & Dr. Christina January 10th, 5:30pm CST
The truth is… our bodies are surrounded and inundated with toxins daily. Toxins are in drinking water and soil. They leak into the food we grow and ultimately eat. Glyphosates, the chemical used in RoundUp, have penetrated our entire food industry. Toxins are also present in the air, leak from compounds used to make furniture and stain-resistant coatings on fabrics, and are even in the non-stick coatings on your pans.
The body has the innate ability to fight off toxins, but it can get overloaded, and overworked. As a result, toxins build up over time, resulting in symptoms like:
Low Energy
Brain Fog
Excess Weight
Digestive Problems
Skin issues
Food intolerances / allergies
Fertility issues
If you combat your toxic exposure, then it is possible to reduce your symptoms dramatically and optimize your health.
However, you may be wondering… If toxins are everywhere, what can I do to fight them?
The BEST strategy to combat toxins and optimize health is performing a food-based detox every 90 days.
These results align with what we’ve seen 500+ clients experience during a simple, food-based, no-restriction, 4-week detox paired with professional pharmaceutical-grade supplement support.
Live - Kick the Year off Right! Join us for our exclusive physician-led detox masterclass
See Client Success Stories with the Reimagined Health Detox...
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