Heal unexplained infertility and conceive with...

The 4R Fertility Formula™️

Over 80% of couples who follow this method have a healthy pregnancy...


In this free training you’ll learn:

  • Why traditional fertility treatments are failing you

  • ​How The 4R Fertility Formula™️ 'heals' your fertility naturally at home

  • ​What you can do to conceive naturally and safely

Modern fertility treatments focus on forcing pregnancy onto a body that just cannot support it. 

In the past 40 years, since the introduction of IVF, there has been little advancement in the medical treatment of infertility other than to focus on invasive treatments with low success rates. 

The 4R Fertility Formula™️ focuses on your unique needs, reveals the root cause of YOUR infertility...

...and gives you a way to release the infertility blockers, rebalance your body and receive a healthy pregnancy. 

No surgeries. 
No toxic medications. 
No need for multiple visits to clinics. 

Who does this work for?

The 4R Fertility Formula™️ is a unique, natural method that addresses the root cause of infertility and creates the optimal environment for a healthy pregnancy, even for couples who have...

  • Unexplained Infertility

  • ​Low AMH / High FSH / DOR or POI

  • ​PCOS or other hormonal imbalances

  • Have had failed IUI or IVF cycles


Join us, Dr. Nashat Latib & Dr. Christina Massinople, as we take you through the key issues affecting fertility today. 

We'll explain how you can address these issues to restore and rejuvenate your natural fertility and get pregnant naturally. 

"After nearly 2 years of early morning appointments
before work, procedures on my body, multiple injections, side effects from the medications, multiple needle sticks for blood work, we were still childless... with no answers.   Then, one weekend morning, I found Reimagined Fertility's program... for the first time I questioned why we had accepted IVF & IUI as our only option?

Their meticulously designed program, thoroughness, attention to detail, patience with answering our questions is commendable.

I am now 24 weeks pregnant, healthier and have more energy and greater mental clarity than ever.   We have been blessed to have their support, ongoing guidance and faith in our ability to have a healthy, happy pregnancy."


Dr. Nashat Latib & Dr. Christina Massinople created the masterclass out of frustration with the lack of options for couples who struggle with infertility and want to get pregnant naturally. Both Board Certified Physicians, they uniquely combine 40+ years of clinical experience with certifications in Functional Medicine. It is this unique and thorough approach that generates such a high (over 80%) success rate with their program.

  • The common mistakes busy women make that sabotage their chances of getting pregnant

  • The surprising reason behind the struggle of more than 50% of couples who fail to conceive

  • How to conceive naturally even after being told they had 'unexplained infertility'

  • ​How to prepare the body to get pregnant naturally, even after failed IVF and/or IUI

  • ​What you can do instead of invasive, expensive, emotionally-draining medical procedures

Over 80% of couples who have gone through The 4R Fertility Formula™️ have had natural pregnancies...  Will you be next?

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