For Busy Men & Women Who Want to Optimize Their Health
Free Masterclass:
How Board Certified Physicians detox the Right Way to drop weight, increase energy, improve performance, reduce inflammation and alleviate brain fog...
FREE MASTERCLASS: Get the Physician-led Detox Strategy that Supports Your Body and Amplifies its Natural Detox Systems to Achieve Optimal Health
LIVE with Dr. Nashat & Dr. Christina January 10th, 5:30pm CST
“_____ is just part of getting older.” ← Have you heard this one before?
Not anymore.
Maybe it’s what your mother says when you comment on your flabby midsection and unexplainable weight gain while the two of you watch your kids and catch up over a cup of tea.
Or what you say to yourself when you go to the break room for your 3pm cup of coffee so you can boost your energy enough to get through the end of your workday, make it home to cook, and be awake enough to spend time with your family.
It may even be what an M.D. has said after you complain about chronic digestive issues during a record-short annual visit. No tests or labs are run (or if there was blood work done, you were likely told they were “normal”). Instead, he writes a new pharmaceutical prescription before he leaves for the next room.
If there’s ONE thing we want to shout from the rooftops, it’s this… health challenges are NOT the result of just “getting older.”
The truth is… our bodies are surrounded and inundated with toxins daily. Toxins are in drinking water and soil. They leak into the food we grow and ultimately eat. Glyphosates, the chemical used in RoundUp, have penetrated our entire food industry. Toxins are also present in the air, leak from compounds used to make furniture and stain-resistant coatings on fabrics, and are even in the non-stick coatings on your pans.
TOXINS are a root cause for many of the common health challenges we face as we age.
Learn how to eliminate them, simply, to lose weight, gain energy and ditch the brain fog!
The body has the innate ability to fight off toxins, but it can get overloaded, and overworked. As a result, toxins build up over time, resulting in symptoms like:
Low Energy
Brain Fog
Excess Weight
Digestive Problems
Skin issues
Food intolerances / allergies
Fertility issues
If you combat your toxic exposure, then it is possible to reduce your symptoms dramatically and optimize your health.
However, you may be wondering… If toxins are everywhere, what can I do to fight them?
Hi! We’re Dr. Nashat & Dr. Christina, 2 M.D.s who became frustrated with the allopathic medicine approach to optimizing health.
Hi! We’re Dr. Nashat & Dr. Christina, 2 M.D.s who became frustrated with the allopathic medicine approach to optimizing health.
Allopathic medicine is incredible for dealing with acute issues, like a broken leg or fixing you up after a car accident. Dr. Nashat should know. She works in the E.R.!
But as we continued to practice medicine, we realized the allopathic approach had some significant shortcomings when it came to optimizing health and feeling good long term.
Free Masterclass:
Introducing The Reimagined Health 4 Week Detox
MD led detox. Try it... the only thing you'll lose is the weight!
20+ years of clinical experience as a Board Certified Emergency Physician and is one of only 960 Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Physicians in the world. She’s certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and has specialty training in hormone replacement therapy, weight loss, and natural fertility.
Dr. Latib believes that a personalized approach that combines the power of epigenetics, lifestyle, and nutrition is the secret to achieving optimal health and aging vibrantly
Dr. Nashat - Co-Founder of Reimagined Health
25 + years of clinical experience as an Internal Medicine Board Certified Physician and is also one of the 960 Institute of Medicine Certified Physicians in the world. Dr. Christina worked in Emergency Medicine and Urgent Care for 20 years before combining her allopathic medical skills with her functional medicine training in order optimize health & treat chronic illness and undiagnosed symptoms. In her current functional medicine practice, Dr. Christina focuses on true 'health care' instead of 'sick care', specializing in treating gastrointestinal, hormonal, and autoimmune issues as well as treating couples with infertility.
Dr. Christina - Co-Founder of Reimagined Health
Live - Kick the Year off Right! Join us for our exclusive physician-led detox masterclass
You'd actually be crazy not to 😉
Are you ready to optimize your health and start feeling BETTER in 4 weeks (or less)?